How to update blog content article astro js themes template
Blog Astro JS Blacks Theme.
This area for displaying for your blog article page.
You can update Blog index page , with access on src/pages/blog
For create new article page, you can simply copy example markdown files, then rename with your url article page, and open with code editor, change and update with your own, and save it.
---layout: ../../design/blog/blogpost.astrotitle: "Title for your blog article"description: "Description article blog"image: Image url in here...pubDate: Input publish datetags: ["your tag in here..", "tag1", "tag2"]categories: ["categories in here.."]---Write your article content in here....
---layout: ../../design/blog/blogpost.astrotitle: "About Blacks - Astro Template"description: "Why use astro blacks themes template for develope your project"image: 2023-12-04tags: ["astro", "blogging", "template", "themes"]categories: ["themes"]---
This project specifically focuses on your multi-purpose projects. with complete features that you can use.
You can use this astro js template themes for
+ Photography ART+ Portfolio+ Company Profile+ Personal+ Art Worker+ Others
### Folder Structure /src :+ content - services - This area for your promotion widget on post page.+ data - for setup your website - work with .json files+ design - template for your page+ pages - for article content page, services, gallery and blog - work with markdown .md or .mdx files.+ styles - for global css configuration+ widget - for widget your website
#### Data+ `config.json` - for configuration your website project - just update or change content with your needed.+ `home.json` - for update your home page area - just update or change content with your needed.
After you have create blog article gallery pages, next your blog article will displaying on blog page list.